By Darrell Cuthbert

A few days ago I needed to go The Pavillion (a local mall) to do some shopping. While I was there I noticed that the payment counters at a sports clothing and equipment shop (Mr Price Sport) had been changed since I was last there, or maybe they were like that all along and I didn't remember.
The counters include a shelf in front of and below the main surface – ideal for placing packets containing other purchases and, I assume, handbags. I had three other packets in my hands and I was reminded of all the times I had struggled with shopping bags while trying to deal with my wallet, cash, card, change and receipts.
The counter design may seem like a small thing but I walked away feeling more relaxed and organised than from all the other shops I visited that day. I would not choose to shop at this particular store based on the counter design only, I go there because I think the quality of the merchandise is generally good and the prices reasonable, but it is a nice added touch.
What does any of this have to do with Content Marketing?
Sometimes the little things count and become a differentiating factor. As an already loyal customer the convenience factor helped remind me that I had made the right choice of where to shop. There are other stores selling sporting goods and clothing in the area but I don’t like their layout and the way they make me feel when I walk in.
Likewise with content marketing. Your business may offer products or services to the buying public that are in many ways similar to those of competitors. One way to differentiate your offering is by the way you tell the story of your brand or company. This includes generating content and sharing it with your target audience. But don’t forget – the little things matter.
A piece of content that is well written, relevant, engaging, original and written in the appropriate tone for the audience will connect with your customer base and make them feel comfortable about doing business with you.
The Flip-Side
On the contrary, a poorly-written piece of copy containing spelling and grammar errors that is written in the incorrect tone and style and fails to make an emotional connection will be more likely to irritate potential customers and subconsciously lead to a lack of trust.
Another quick illustration from my mall visit – inside the men’s bathrooms there are aluminium frames on the walls that contain small advertising posters for a variety of businesses. As I am always interested in how businesses use written content in their advertising I read all of them.
One in particular stood out – but not in a good way. The very first word in the copy contained an obvious grammatical error. I didn’t read any further. No doubt the company concerned had spent a fair amount of money on having this advertisement designed, printed and displayed in one of the largest malls in Durban. To have all of that effort and expense tarnished by an incorrectly placed apostrophe is both unfortunate and entirely preventable.
Once again this shows how the little things matter.
Put Your Money Where it Matters
If you are a business owner please pay special attention to the quality of the content you are using for marketing purposes. Spending a lot of money on design, printing and placement is foolish if the content can’t deliver what the design promises. Invest some money into good quality copy and the impact of the message will be greatly increased.
© D Cuthbert 2014
The counters include a shelf in front of and below the main surface – ideal for placing packets containing other purchases and, I assume, handbags. I had three other packets in my hands and I was reminded of all the times I had struggled with shopping bags while trying to deal with my wallet, cash, card, change and receipts.
The counter design may seem like a small thing but I walked away feeling more relaxed and organised than from all the other shops I visited that day. I would not choose to shop at this particular store based on the counter design only, I go there because I think the quality of the merchandise is generally good and the prices reasonable, but it is a nice added touch.
What does any of this have to do with Content Marketing?
Sometimes the little things count and become a differentiating factor. As an already loyal customer the convenience factor helped remind me that I had made the right choice of where to shop. There are other stores selling sporting goods and clothing in the area but I don’t like their layout and the way they make me feel when I walk in.
Likewise with content marketing. Your business may offer products or services to the buying public that are in many ways similar to those of competitors. One way to differentiate your offering is by the way you tell the story of your brand or company. This includes generating content and sharing it with your target audience. But don’t forget – the little things matter.
A piece of content that is well written, relevant, engaging, original and written in the appropriate tone for the audience will connect with your customer base and make them feel comfortable about doing business with you.
The Flip-Side
On the contrary, a poorly-written piece of copy containing spelling and grammar errors that is written in the incorrect tone and style and fails to make an emotional connection will be more likely to irritate potential customers and subconsciously lead to a lack of trust.
Another quick illustration from my mall visit – inside the men’s bathrooms there are aluminium frames on the walls that contain small advertising posters for a variety of businesses. As I am always interested in how businesses use written content in their advertising I read all of them.
One in particular stood out – but not in a good way. The very first word in the copy contained an obvious grammatical error. I didn’t read any further. No doubt the company concerned had spent a fair amount of money on having this advertisement designed, printed and displayed in one of the largest malls in Durban. To have all of that effort and expense tarnished by an incorrectly placed apostrophe is both unfortunate and entirely preventable.
Once again this shows how the little things matter.
Put Your Money Where it Matters
If you are a business owner please pay special attention to the quality of the content you are using for marketing purposes. Spending a lot of money on design, printing and placement is foolish if the content can’t deliver what the design promises. Invest some money into good quality copy and the impact of the message will be greatly increased.
© D Cuthbert 2014
WordTiffie Copywriting and Web Content is a commercial writing business focused on providing high-quality written material to small and medium sized businesses.
WordTiffie is based in Durban, South Africa, and is owned and operated by Darrell Cuthbert – South African writer, blogger and online marketer.
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WordTiffie is based in Durban, South Africa, and is owned and operated by Darrell Cuthbert – South African writer, blogger and online marketer.
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